What Is a Casino?

Basically, a casino is a building where people can play various games of chance. Those games can be anything from card games to dice games. Most casinos have security measures in place to keep their...

What is a Casino?

Basically, a casino is a place where certain types of gambling are played. They are usually big open rooms where people can sit and gamble. Some of the most popular casino games include roulette and...

Slot Based Scheduling

Whether you’re looking for a way to organize staff, or you’re just in the market for a new piece of technology, slot-based scheduling may be the solution for you. The technology behind slot-based scheduling aims...

The Dark Side of Casinos

Historically, casinos are places where people play games of chance. These games can be roulette, craps, blackjack, poker, baccarat, keno, and video poker. Some casinos even host live entertainment events. A typical casino has security...